Un-Paper Towel Holder (ish)
I was pretty proud of myself. I started off so happy that I thought this one through before I started building. Follow along and see if you can spot where I messed up.
Kathryn has been making un-paper towels and we’ve been transitioning more and more to them. When you have an almost three year old, you find yourself really needing to find a more sustainable option to replace constant use of paper towels. Since we’ve been using them so much, I decided to make a tissue style dispenser for them. Well, it was originally going to be a box style hamper for used un-paper towels. Then it turned into something that was going to be nicer and used for clean ones. For those following along, this is not where I messed up.
My first thought about building this was that I might want to use the template for selling boxes to accompany her family packs. With that in mind, I wanted to try and use dimensions that would fit in a standard box for shipping. I landed on a 10x14 inch box that is 10” tall. This will fit nicely in a box, and provides some extra space on the sides of the un-paper towels.